These Terms and Conditions will apply to any contract between you (the client) and the company (Creativepatel) for the sale of goods and services to you. Your order is accepted and design work is started once you have paid 50% of the subtotal upfront. If you refuse to accept these Terms and Conditions, Creativepatel will not be able to supply goods and services to you.
1.1 All projects are planned to an agreed schedule. Non-adherence to this schedule by the Client may result in compromising final delivery
deadlines. If this is likely to occur, the Company will advise the Client as soon as this becomes evident and suggest an alternative solution where feasible. This may incur additional costs.
1.2 Emergency work required in a short period, three days or less, will incur a higher charge.
1.3 It is important that you notify Creativepatel immediately if you are unable to work to the schedule as any delay in supplying feedback, providing a copy or approving proofs/artwork may result in a delay to your order.
1.4 For bespoke designs, please allow 4 – 8 weeks from placing the initial order to delivery of your complete design material. Please allow 3 - 4 months for bespoke wedding stationery designs allowing distribution time.
2.1 Upon approval of the estimate sent by Creativepatel a non-refundable deposit of 50% of the subtotal will be required before any design work can begin, an invoice for the deposit will be sent by Creativepatel.
2.2 The remaining 50% balance is required once the artwork has been completed, no artwork will be sent to print without the complete payment.
2.3 The order has been quoted on a basis that it will be completed within 1 year. If it exceeds this time frame, the design element will not be affected however you may incur additional printing/digitising costs.
2.4 Once the order has been confirmed and processed, any major changes to digital design and printing requirements may have additional fees.
2.5 All fees are calculated in and are to be paid in pounds sterling by bank transfer. Bank details will be provided on the invoice sent by Creativepatel. Creativepatel cannot be held responsible for any delay to delivery as a result of late payment.
3.1 Each Client has a maximum of two free alterations. After this, costs of design work will increase when further alterations are made. Alterations may include but are not limited to, increasing the number of products to be printed.
3.2 PDF proofs and final artwork will be sent via email, we do not at any stage offer printed proofs.
3.3 Great care is taken to ensure all information is accurate, however, it is ultimately the responsibility of the client to approve/check layout, copy, spelling and grammar.
3.4 If designs are approved with type errors and subsequently printed, Creativepatel takes no responsibility, and will not be liable for any resulting cost.
3.5 If replacements are required then they will be charged for in full. It is therefore of the utmost importance that you check all spelling and copy thoroughly before approving any designs.
3.6 At the back of most print designs the website 'www.creativepatel.com' or credits 'Designed By Creativepatel' will be present in a smaller font type for CopyRight reasons.
3.7 All printed design material will be bespoke to the client's specification/ budget and therefore the quality of paper and card used will depend on that specification/ budget given.
3.8 If the Client only requests printing work, 100% payment is required by the Company before any work can commence.
Please Note: The colour of your artwork on your screen may differ from any printed colour, as each screen has been collaborated differently and this is particularly noticeable on phones and tablets. It is therefore advisable to print off all PDF proofs and final artwork before giving your approval. This will help to ensure you are aware of the scale and that all font sizes. However, please note there will be a noticeable difference between the quality of personal printing against the end product of professional printing.
3.9 Once the designs are finalised, printing can take up to 5-7 working days.
3.10 Creativepatel has all rights over all artwork produced and IS NOT TO BE USED, edited or printed without consent.
4.1 Charges for design work do not cover the release of copyright design files including indd, psd, ai or any other source files.
4.2 If the Client requires these files, they will be subject to a separate written estimate or ‘buy-out’ charge.
5.1 Payments may be made by online bank transfer only.
5.2 The utmost care will be taken when packaging your stationery for delivery.
5.3 There is a very rare possibility that there may be an issue with the printed artwork or the delivery, this can cause delays. Creativepatel will not be responsible for a delay due to printing errors, however, we will get every issue resolved as soon as possible.
5.4 If there are noticeable errors please send us photographic evidence within 1 week of delivery or we will not be able to rectify this issue for you and you will have to pay in full.
5.5 Publication and/or release of work done by the Company may not take place before any required funds have been received.
5.6 All creative work produced during a project(s), creative, digital, software files and related correspondence remain the property – physically, intellectually and in copyright, of the Company until full payment has been made on the Client’s account, and all project costs have been cleared.
5.7 All printed material can take up to 5 to 7 working days.
6.1 The Company requires access to the Client’s computer systems to complete a website design project.
6.2 Until all outstanding invoices are cleared, the Company requires access to necessary read/write permissions, usernames and passwords.
6.3 The Client agrees to supply Creativepatel, in a timely manner, with all the necessary materials, electronic or otherwise required to complete the project.
6.4 The Company requires that a template is approved by the Client before the coding of a site begins.
6.5 Once the website template(s) are approved by the Client, coding will commence.
6.6 Any alterations to the template, including colours, structure and content, will incur an additional charge.
6.7 The Client will have the opportunity to review the finished website design. The Company will make minor changes if needed at no extra cost within 14 days of the start of the review period.
6.8 Minor changes include small text changes and changes to the placement of items. It does not include changes to images, colours or navigation features as these will incur additional charges.
6.9 Any minor changes can be notified to the Company by e-mail and confirmed by post.
6.1 The Company will consider that the Client has accepted the finished website design if there is no notification of any changes received in writing during the 14-day review period.
Website Designing: Hosting Websites
6.10 The Company offers a limited in-house hosting service through an outsourced virtual server.
6.11 The Company does not guarantee continuous service and will accept no liability for loss of service, whatever the cause.
6.12 It may be requested that the Client change the type of hosting account used if that account is deemed by the Company to be unacceptable because of poor service, lack of bandwidth or in any other way insufficient to support the website.
6.13 The fees for hosting on the Company’s virtual server are due at the commencement of any period of service and are non-refundable.
6.14 Fees due to third party hosting organisations are the responsibility of the Client and the Company are not liable for their payment, nor for the renewal of domain names, which are the sole responsibility of the Client/domain owner.
Website Designing: Domain Registration
6.15 The Company cannot guarantee the availability of any domain name. The Company will endeavour to meet the requirements of the Client; however, the Client should not assume successful registrations of all domain names.
Website Designing: Search Engine Submission
6.16 The Company cannot guarantee any placement or ranking on search engines.
6.17 The Company cannot guarantee site acceptance by any search engine. Further, the time is taken to accept a site various amongst all search engines.
6.18 The Company suggests that Clients may use a professional Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) firm, but the Company accepts no responsibility for their services.
Website Designing: Web Security
6.19 The Company takes all reasonable precautions and use systems that reduce the threat of data compromise. Where there are concerns over the integrity of the data an agreed secure third party data storage system will be implemented.
7.1 All artwork and designs remain the copyright of Creativepatel, they may not be reproduced in any form without prior written permission from Creativepatel. Any improper or illegal use of the artwork or designs or any other intellectual property rights will be pursued.
7.2 It is the responsibility of the Client that all materials (including, but not limited to images, diagrams, logos, videos, data, intellectual property in other media) supplied to the Company by the Client will have the relevant copyrights, licenses and permissions for use in the commissioned project.
7.3 The Company will not accept responsibility/liability for infringements caused by any wrongly supplied materials.
7.4 In the event where the Company or Client supply an image, audio clip or any other medium believing it to be copyright and royalty-free, which subsequently emerges to have such copyright or royalty usage limitations, the Client will allow the Company to remove and/or replace the file.
7.5 The Client agrees to fully indemnify the Company in any claims resulting from the Client in not having obtained all necessary permissions or the required copyright.
7.6 Creativepatel has all rights over all artwork produced and IS NOT TO BE USED, edited or printed without consent.
7.7 These Terms and Conditions are between you and Creativepatel. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of its terms whether under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 or otherwise.